Salmon & Halibut Of SE Alaska

Captain Mike With A Nice 60lb SE Alaskan Halibut
King Salmon
When you say Alaskan Salmon most people automatically think of the Alaskan King Salmon. These are the largest of all Salmon and can run 50lbs or more with most in the 20 - 30lb range.
HiTime Charters targets King Salmon from May until about July but you may catch them all the way through the summer. These fish are generally caught trolling in the waters around Juneau.
King Salmon are tremendous fighters and once hooked can easily put up a 10-15 minute tussle. When hooked King Salmon generally will head to the bottom with your rod folded in half and your reel screaming. Just when you think you making some headway getting them to the boat they will go straight to the bottom and the fight will start all over again.
King Salmon are excellent table fair and can be prepared many ways. Their meat is oily which makes them stay moist when cooking.
In the lower 48 the King Salmon is known as Chinook Salmon. They are also called Black Mouth and Tyee.
HiTime Charters targets King Salmon from May until about July but you may catch them all the way through the summer. These fish are generally caught trolling in the waters around Juneau.
King Salmon are tremendous fighters and once hooked can easily put up a 10-15 minute tussle. When hooked King Salmon generally will head to the bottom with your rod folded in half and your reel screaming. Just when you think you making some headway getting them to the boat they will go straight to the bottom and the fight will start all over again.
King Salmon are excellent table fair and can be prepared many ways. Their meat is oily which makes them stay moist when cooking.
In the lower 48 the King Salmon is known as Chinook Salmon. They are also called Black Mouth and Tyee.
Silver Salmon
Silver Salmon are also known by the name Coho Salmon. Smaller than the King but what they give up in size is made up in fight. Unlike they King these fish are Arial acrobates when hooked and never give up even when netted.
Silver Salmon run anywhere from 8lbs to 15lbs with the occasional fish in the 20lb range. While in the salt water these fish are a bright chrome color and tend to travel in schools. Where you find one Silver Salmon there tends to be many more around.
Like the Kings we fish for the Silver by trolling lures and bait on downrigers. When a Silver is hooked there will be little doubt that there is a fish on your line. Hang on tight because they can jerk the rod right out of your hands.
Silver Salmon are also excellent eating. Although they don't have as much oil in them they will still say moist if you cook them with butter or some other cooking oil.
Silver Salmon run anywhere from 8lbs to 15lbs with the occasional fish in the 20lb range. While in the salt water these fish are a bright chrome color and tend to travel in schools. Where you find one Silver Salmon there tends to be many more around.
Like the Kings we fish for the Silver by trolling lures and bait on downrigers. When a Silver is hooked there will be little doubt that there is a fish on your line. Hang on tight because they can jerk the rod right out of your hands.
Silver Salmon are also excellent eating. Although they don't have as much oil in them they will still say moist if you cook them with butter or some other cooking oil.
Halibut are found in abundance in our waters and can be fished from May through September. Most of the fish we catch are under 60lbs but they can grow much larger than that with fish over 100lbs are fairly common.
These fish feed of the bottom so we fish for them with jigs or bait. Each fisherman will have their own pole and will be jigging their bait off the bottom. Halibut will strike the bait at any time so be ready. Once hooked these fish can put up a tremendous fight and the big ones are knows as Barn Doors because it like reeling up a Barn Door from the bottom of the ocean.
These fish are excellent eating and can be prepared many different ways.
These fish feed of the bottom so we fish for them with jigs or bait. Each fisherman will have their own pole and will be jigging their bait off the bottom. Halibut will strike the bait at any time so be ready. Once hooked these fish can put up a tremendous fight and the big ones are knows as Barn Doors because it like reeling up a Barn Door from the bottom of the ocean.
These fish are excellent eating and can be prepared many different ways.